BioLASCO Taiwan
CD-1® IGS Mouse

Origin: The original group of Swiss mice that served as progenitors of this stock consisted of two male and seven female albino mice derived from a non-inbred stock in the laboratory of Dr. de Coulon, Centre Anticancereux Romand, Lausanne, Switzerland. These animals were imported into the United States by Dr.Clara Lynch of the Rockefeller Institute in 1926. The Hauschka Ha/ICR stock was initiated in 1948 at the Institute for Cancer Research (ICR) in Philadelphia from “Swiss” mice of Rockefeller origin. To Dr. Edward Mirand of Roswell Park Memorial Institute where they were designated as HaM/ICR. To Charles River in 1959. To BioLASCO Taiwan in 2004 from Charles River.
Coat Color: White (albino); carries black agouti behind its albino gene
Research Application: General multipurpose model, safety and efficacy testing, aging, surgical model,pseudopregnancy
BALB/c Mouse, Nomenclature BALB/cAnNCrl

Origin: H.J. Bagg developed the “Bagg albino” in 1913 from stock from an Ohio pet dealer. Inbred in 1923 by McDowell. To Snell in 1932 at F26, then to Andervont in 1935. To NIH in 1951 from Andervont at F72. To Charles River in 1974 from NIH.To BioLASCO Taiwan in 2004 from Charles River.
Coat Color: White (Albino)
Research Application: General multipurpose model, hybridoma development, monoclonal antibody production, infectious disease.
C57BL/6N Mouse, Nomenclature C57BL/6NC

Origin: Developed by C.C. Little in 1921, from a mating of Miss Abby Lathrop’s stock that also gave rise to strains C57BR and C57L. Strains 6 and 10 separated about 1937. To The Jackson Laboratory in 1948 from Hall. To NIH in 1951 from The Jackson Laboratory at F32. To Charles River in 1974 from NIH.To BioLASCO Taiwan in 2004 from Charles River.
Coat Color: Black
Research Application: General multipurpose model, diet-induced obesity, transgenic/knockout model development,safety and efficacy testing, immunology.
BALB/c Nude Mouse, Nomenclature CAnN.Cg-Foxn1nu/Crl

Origin: Developed through crosses and back-crosses between BALB/cABom-nu and BALB/cAnNCrj at Charles River Japan (CRJ). Pedigreed pregnant females of CAnN.Cg-Foxn1nu/Crl were received from CRJ in 1985. This mouse is inbred, and genetic monitoring results confirm it to be a BALB/c nude. The animal lacks a thymus, is unable to produce T-cells, and is therefore immunodeficient. To BioLASCO Taiwan in 2007 from Charles River Laboratories.
Coat Color: Hairless, albino background
Research Application: Tumor biology and xenograft research.

Origin: The SCID mutation has been transferred onto a non-obese diabetic background. Animals homozygous for the SCID mutation have impaired T and B cell lymphocyte development. To Charles River in 2005 from Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center. To BioLASCO Taiwan in 2009 from Charles River Laboratories.
Coat Color: White (albino)
Ideal For: Tumor biology and xenograft research.
Wistars rats, Nomenclature Crl :WI

Origin: To Scientific Products Farm, Ltd. [predecessor of Charles River United Kingdom (CRUK)] in 1947 from Wistar Institute. To Charles River in 1975 from CRUK. This particular colony was selected because of a low incidence of hydronephrosis.To BioLASCO Taiwan in 2004 from Charles River.
Coat Color: White (albino)
Research Application: General multipurpose model, infectious disease research, safety and efficacy testing, aging.
CD (SD) IGS rats, Nomenclature Crl : CD(SD)

Oeigin: Originated in 1925 by Robert W. Dawley from a hybrid hooded male and a female Wistar rat. To Charles River in 1950 from Sprague Dawley, Inc. In 1991, 8 colonies were selected to form the IGS Foundation Colony. Rederived into an isolator foundation colony in 1997. IGS refers to animals bred using the Charles River International Genetic Standardization system.To BioLASCO Taiwan in 2004 from Charles River.
Coat Color: White (albino)
Research Application: General multipurpose model, safety and efficacy testing, aging, nutrition, diet-induced obesity, oncology.
SHR Spontaneously Hypertensive (SHR) Rat, Nomenclature : SHR/NCr

Origin: Okamoto, Kyoto School of Medicine, 1963, from outbred Wistar Kyoto male with marked elevation of blood pressure mated to female with slightly elevated blood pressure. Brother x sister mating with continued selection for spontaneous hypertension was then started. To NIH in 1966 from Okamoto at F13. To Charles River from NIH in 1973 at F32.To BioLASCO Taiwan in 2006 from Charles River Laboratories.
Coat Color: White (albino)
Research Application: Genetic hypertension, hypertensive drug research, ADHD model, safety and efficacy testing